Laura Janay
May 21, 20233 min read
Reversing Signs of Aging Without Surgery
It is entirely possible to wake up one day, look in the mirror, and make the decision to turn back the clock on the age of your face. For...

Laura Janay
May 10, 20233 min read
Top 10 Best Anti-Aging Product Ingredients
When you make a decision to add a skincare product to your beauty routine, what draws you in? Is it the packaging, the commercials, or...

Laura Janay
Apr 20, 20234 min read
Skin Care for Sun Lovers
It is hard not to love the sun. There were entire ancient cultures dedicated to its worship and most polytheistic religions have a sun...

Laura Janay
Apr 11, 20233 min read
Stem Cells and Wrinkle Control
Back in 2009 the likes of Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lopez were early celebrity adopters of the benefits of using the stem cells of swiss...

Laura Janay
Apr 5, 20233 min read
Can A Cream Take Away My Age Spots?
If you have age spots, chances are that looking in the mirror doesn’t thrill you. Age spots are a tell tale sign of aging, along with...

Laura Janay
Mar 6, 20234 min read
(Best skin tightening cream for face and neck) Reunion Coming Up? Start Using SABRINA Collagen Rx Pl
First there is nervousness, then a moment of exhilaration, followed by a sense of panic as you realize th at you are facing your high...

Laura Janay
Feb 23, 20233 min read
Top 3 Beauty Tricks That Skincare Professionals Use
You are beautiful from the inside out and outside in. However, if you are like most women you are still interested in learning as much as...

Laura Janay
Feb 19, 20234 min read
How Long Does it Take Anti-Aging Creams to Work
Congratulations! You found SABRINA Collagen Rx Plus. The long search for the best collagen skincare is over. There is literally nothing...

Laura Janay
Jan 11, 20233 min read
Nano-Tech and Skincare: Amazing Science
Nanotechnology, or nano-tech, is an amazing technological advancement that is making life better every day. It is found in almost...

Laura Janay
Oct 30, 20223 min read
How Chronic Insomnia Destroys Your Skin
Insomnia can affect your body in a number of ways. You may still feel exhausted when you wake up each morning. It can destroy any energy...

Laura Janay
Sep 1, 20224 min read
How do laser treatments build collagen in your skin (Why Collagen Rx Plus by SABRINA is a great mois
Collagen is your best friend and is what keeps you looking young. Collagen also gives your skin strength and elasticity. It makes your...

Laura Janay
Aug 21, 20224 min read
What Does Your Skin Reveal About Your Health?
What does your skin reveal about your health? Other than your race or ethnicity, your skin can actually reveal a whole lot about you....

Laura Janay
Aug 21, 20223 min read
Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones For Skin
What are the benefits of bioidentical hormones for skin? Is there a direct relationship between the two? Will taking bioidentical...

Laura Janay
Jul 31, 20224 min read
It’s Time to Fall in Love with Your Skin
This thing about you that you think is your flaw – it’s the reason I’m falling in love with you. Colleen Hoover Fall In Love With Your...

Laura Janay
Jul 31, 20224 min read
Nature’s Secret Anti-Aging Tool
The aging process that your skin goes through is largely caused by environmental damage, rather than by your chronological age, combined...

Laura Janay
Jun 21, 20223 min read
The Best Way to Get Collagen Where You Need it Most
Collagen is to your skin like a canvas is to a painting. It gives you the structure to define your look. Without it you fade, with it you...

Laura Janay
Jun 20, 20223 min read
Correct Use of Anti-Aging Creams
Is there really a right and a wrong way to use anti-aging creams? You might be surprised to find out that there are things you can do...

Laura Janay
Jun 11, 20223 min read
Rebuilding Collagen to Look Younger
How is your collagen level? That is probably not a question you have been asked very often. However, maybe it is something to start...

Laura Janay
Jun 11, 20223 min read
Swiss Green Apples: The Fountain of Youth
Throughout human history men and women have sought after the mythical Fountain of Youth. This is a supposed source of water that, when...

Laura Janay
Jun 5, 20226 min read
5 Tips for Smoothing Wrinkles
Do you have fine lines around your mouth and eyes and expression lines in your forehead? Did they seem to appear overnight? Or did they...